Caroline, Thia, Moya and I rented out a space shuttle for a school project. For the project we had to collect ice off Neptune.
As I was packing I realised that I had to show Michelle how to pack/send us food. It took her a while but eventually she got the hang of it.
At last we were in the shuttle, but we realised we forgot Thia. Moments later we heard loud banging on the door. It was Thia getting more food. Then we set off.
We had been gone about 11 and a half years. When we were into the final 6 months Thia was really sad because the food was all gone. She saw some food that Michelle had sent up so she drove the rocket towards the floating food. It got really hot and muggy. WE WERE GOING TOWARDS THE SUN. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. But thankfully it was only a dream.
When we were about 3 weeks away we started getting our equipment ready. We needed a helmet, suit, oxygen, parachute and an anti freeze shield.
It was very hard to land on Neptune because it’s a gas planet. So we abandoned the project to see if we could walk on it. Thia volunteered to do it so she did. We put on her harness, anti freeze shield, helmet, oxygen, suit and parachute. We let her down very, very slowly. A shard of ice came and broke the rope on the harness and we never saw her again. *cries*
From there on no one wanted to get hurt so we all went home.
Neptune is the smallest gas giant,
Neptune has the strongest winds in the Solar System,
Neptune is the coldest planet in the Solar System,
Neptune is 4.495 Billion KM away from the sun.
By Ava Houlihan
5th Class