Lego WeDo, what is it? Well it is a technical Lego device you can programme to do what you code it to do.
It is an educational coding app you can get on your tablet or laptop. It is good for Lego lovers looking for something new or maybe not- you might just want to try something different, either way it is great fun.
You programme it in the app. You have a tray to put the Lego in. In the app you must connect the core piece which must have 2 AA batteries. Then you connect the tablet or laptop to the core which you need Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Now you pick a robot to build and click on it and press START BIULD then you start construction. You get the blocks from the tray. You can programme it to change colour, move around or spin and make sounds. It is pretty simple anyways.
It is really fun, easy and educational. It was my first time with technical Lego. I thought it would be hard but is was and very smooth.
By Paddy Hogan