Lego Wedo is a device. You can do anything you want with it. You can make it talk, play music and move.
You can get the Lego Wedo app on an iPad and laptop and your phone. It is great for imagination. You can download the app on play store or on the internet. The app is free to download. The Lego Wedo set is suitable for two pupils over seven years old.
To play on Lego Wedo you have to have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and batteries. The rest comes in the set that you can get in any education shop. When you go into the app you can connect to Bluetooth.
Lego Wedo can do many things. You can build many things like robot, fans, cars and many more. In your core set is instructions where you can unlock more items you can make. On your device you can control your creation by pressings buttons.
In my experience with Lego Wedo I found it great fun to make all the creations. It really drives your creativity to the max. I really recommend it.
By Caroline Mc Donagh