On the 14th June Redwood N.S. travelled to the Cistercian College in Roscrea also known as the Fun Academy. We went by bus and left school at 8:30am. While on the bus I felt nervous but also really excited.
When we arrived we put our bags in a dressing room, then headed outside. First we were told that we were doing orienteering, there were 14 questions on the paper that we had to find. We were all given a different number to find first. Caoimhe and I started on number 9. Some of them were hard to find but we got there in the end. We finished joint 2nd. A few minutes later a sheepdog came over and we started to pet him, we named him Gucci.
We then moved onto the army obstacle course. We were put into teams and our team came in 3rd place. In the course there were tyres, a net you had to crawl under, hurdles, a palette and a black plastic bag you had to crawl under too.
Next we ate small lunch and got dressed for swimming. The pool was freezing and wasn’t enjoyable at all. The water was misty and there was debris around the edges. When we were in the dressing room getting into our clean clothes Isa started to cry, she had red cuts on each of her toes and they really hurt.
In the afternoon we got a little bite to eat and then started another game it was called multi-ball, there were four teams green, red, orange and colours. Every team had a bench and every player had a number. If the instructor held up a soccer ball the game was soccer but if he held up a tennis ball the game was uni-hockey and if he called out your number, you had to run out and play that specific activity and hit the other teams’ benches. The colours team won by one point.
Next we made egg rockets, we were given 2 sheets of paper, 10 strips of sellotape, 5 straws, 2 balloons and 1 egg. The main point of it was to save the egg from cracking. A while later we had big lunch. I was full but we went out on the water slide, it was brilliant craic. I got soaked the first time I went down but after that we got to jump off of the top of it and then slide down. Finally, we did the night line, we had to place blacked - out goggles on us. Then hold onto a rope. The instructor told us a story while we followed the rope. She told us about all of the animals in the forest. Then some man started tickling our heads with leaves.
Overall the day was great and I had so much fun. I was sad to leave but I would definitely recommend it to another school. I hope we can return to the Fun Academy next year and have more fun. I am very happy with how the day turned out and how exciting it was.
Niamh Patterson
5th class
Redwood National School